The Holy Week in Calabria

Let’s live the Holy Week in Calabria immersing ourselves in an exciting journey among religious rituals, popular cults and culinary traditions of one of the most heartfelt religious festivals in the region.

At this time we will witness intense participation during the processions. The solemn procession of the “Vattienti” from Nocera Terinese, or the procession on Good Friday of the “Naca” from Catanzaro are prime examples.

We will admire the reincarnation of the rites of passage, such as the “bambola” of the “Corajisima”, appearing on the night of Ash Wednesday, alerting the beginning of Lent, period of sobriety and abstinence. The devotional fasts will be interrupted on the feast day with typical Easter dishes such as the “cuzzuppa”, the “fraguni”, or the “pitta” to end with the local version of the Easter “Colomba”, made with orange juice or bergamot. A unique and special dessert.

Among the rituals that precede Easter Sunday, we must see the evening of the Holy Thursday at the Cassano Cathedral, the sermon of passion and Mary’s call. The carolers  will walk into church, followed by the flagellants and the splendid statue of the “Addolorata” who receives the crucifix on her lap. It is one of the most touching rituals, and it will go on all night with the songs of Passion along the streets in the village.

On Easter Sunday, in Bagnara Calabra, we will see the procession of the “Affruntata”, also called ”Incontro”: a popular rite during which the statue of St. John, transported on the shoulders by the citizens, will meet the statue of Jesus and that of Mary Addolorata, to signify the role of the Holy Messenger of the resurrection. Together with the statue of the Virgin, they will run from the statue of the savior has now arised. Only then will the black veil of mourning be removed with cries of joy in the whole Bagnara Calabra.

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The Holy Week in Calabria
Easter time
6 days / 5 nights

The statues of Our Lady of Sorrows, Jesus and Saint John are carried wildly along the Calabrian streets in a great religious event of the pagan soul.